Books &
Samuel E. Konkin
Dallas E. Legan II
Brad Linaweaver
J. Neil Schulman
A Tribute to Brad Linaweaver
September 1, 1952 - August 29, 2019 |
by Joseph O'Neill
Some remarks on our old friend Brad. Of
the four “Unindicted Co-Conspirators” who founded KHC in 1994, Brad
now joins Samuel Edward Konkin III (SEKIII) in anarchist-libertarian
Valhalla. Mike Everling and Kent Hastings still proudly fly the
black flag. Losing Brad is a grievous blow to our Club and to the
world of libertarian-conservative politics and science fiction.
Above all, Brad was a creative, skillful,
and funny science-fiction author. He wrote a delightful short story,
for example, called "Chump Hoist."
"Chump Hoist" -- what a concept! It's
what the carnival people, the "carnies," call the Ferris wheel. The
"chumps" are us; the suckers who surrender hard cash just to spin
around. If I recall right -- and I may not -- in the story, you got on
the chump hoist and it took you back in time or into another dimension
or something.
Brad liked the carnies. His story made
you think about them, their contempt for the "rubes," their
rationalizations for ripping them off, the rubes' scorn for the
carnies as perpetual outsiders. Brad's work is full of human
Brad also had a clear-eyed understanding
of his own work. The Free Space anthology, for example, is a marvelous
collection. Fabulous tales by J. Neil Shulman -- whom we also lost
just days before Brad -- and Victor Koman. A great short story by KHC
member John DeChancie. Contributions by libertarian and
science-fiction luminaries like Ray Bradbury, Poul Anderson, L. Neil
Smith, even Robert Anton Wilson. But, like many anthologies, one
crappy story slipped in. And Brad readily admitted that -- because he
never let his ego get in the way of his judgement.
One bad story
notwithstanding, Free Space counts as major science fiction literature
and expresses high level libertarian thought.
Moon of Ice, of course, was Brad’s
classic. Novel and novella, it won the Prometheus and Nebula Awards.
As many will know, Moon of Ice was an alternate history, what would
happen if the Nazis had won WWII? According to Brad (though I think
not completely correctly), he was the first to come up with this
premise, before the great Philip K. Dick's Man in the High Castle and
certainly before Robert Harris's Fatherland, which was made into a TV
Brad told a humorous back story about his early efforts to get
this book filmed. He went around to Hollywood producers pitching the
original "Nazis win WWII" idea and they all said, "Get lost, kid,
you’re wasting our time!" But later, after Harris's stuff sold, Brad
again pitched the idea to the same people, this time packaged as a
"Fatherland knockoff." And the producers said, "Hhm! Great idea!
Let's sign this kid on to develop something!”
The lesson was, it can
be easier and more profitable to milk a successful formula than to
foster innovation. Alas, Moon of Ice never did get filmed, but Brad
did strike several successes with the Industry, notably book adaptations
of the Sliders, Doom, and Battlestar Galactica franchises.
Reading one scene in Moon of Ice
particularly impressed me with Brad's literary technique. Leading up
to the scene, the storyline was trailing Joseph Goebbels covertly
investigating a cabal of other Nazis. You followed him as he was
slinking around … and climbing over a wall into a secret compound… and
narrowly missing getting caught by the guards … and … and I suddenly
realized -- "Wait! Brad’s got me -- rooting for Goebbels! Not even for
Hitler, for that rancid monkey Goebbels!" You think der Führer made
the ultimate sacrifice for the Reich, committing suicide in the bunker?
Goebbels went "one step beyond," not only did he commit suicide, he --
poisoned his children! Never say you can't go, "one step beyond."
And what was Brad telling us by making
Goebbels the hero? First, he was telling us that, horrible as Hitler
was, there were even worse Nazis (Himmler, Ludendorf … ), whom many
people don’t know about. More importantly, he was telling us that
narrative is powerful; it can turn around your notion of good guy and
bad guy without you even noticing, just by changing perspective. And
what better vehicle for that than Propaganda Minister Goebbels? The
book even begins with a famous quote from Orwell which most readers
don't realize is intentionally falsified! This underlines the
centrality, and subtlety, of the propaganda that has influenced most
of our lives day-in/day-out for decades.
America does well in Moon of Ice. After
losing WWII, Truman is not elected to a second term ("Dewey beats
Truman!") and the country evolves into an anarchist utopia. The text
offers an answer to the habitual critique, "In anarchy, who will pave
the roads?" Well, in this post-WWII America, nobody paves the roads,
everyone just puts monster tires on their pick-up trucks! Hence, what
is commonly held to be a "slam-dunk, no-brainer, conversation-stopper"
argument actually merely reveals a lack of imagination. Brad was
steeped in the debate on all forms of political organization and their
practical implementations.
For, in addition to being a supreme prose
artist, Brad was an incisive political theoretician. AnarquÍa, written
with Kent Hastings, was the first alternative history of the Spanish
Civil War and once more a masterpiece. Propaganda is again pivotal in
AnarquÍa. Brad once told another story about Goebbels, and his
propaganda radio broadcasts during the Spanish Civil War. Goebbels
took pains to make the broadcast content 100% accurate -- except one
key fact would be reversed in polarity. And that made all the
difference. And that’s the sort of thing we should be looking for in
propaganda emitted by our rulers.
AnarquÍa is conceptually glorious and
graphically intricate. Brad and Kent present the point-of-view of each
major faction -- Fascists, Socialists, Communists, Traditional
Catholics, and, of course, Anarchists -- in depth, with unexpected
twists and turns, and on its own terms. Like in Shakespeare, we
encounter multiple mindsets, each forcefully argued. Brad was not the
typical sleazebag rhetorician of today's discourse, who never admits
to occult internal contradictions in his argument and never disabuses
you of misconceptions, if they work in his favor. No! Brad didn’t seek
blind obedience or reflexive adherence, he genuinely wanted and
empowered you to think for yourself.
Brad’s own political allegiance
vacillated between libertarianism and conservatism. On the
conservative side, he retold with contagious pride how his father had
voted against FDR all four times!
"You mean, you're not going to vote
for … the President … in … time of war!"
"No, screw you! I’m voting the
way I want! That’s what America is all about!"
When his dear father
finally passed away, Brad inherited his luxury sedan. In the
aftermath, Brad popped open the trunk to discover a bag of splendid
sticks! "Golf clubs!" declared Brad, "Now I am, finally, a real
Golf and being an FDR-hater made Brad a
conservative. Being a Churchill-hater -- which I suspect he was --
made him a libertarian. Was Brad a Hitler-hater? I suspect he would
regard that as a waste of time. There are already millions and
millions of people out there doing that job. Save your hatred for
other evil people, ones unjustly esteemed by mainstream convention.
Brad saw the Nazis as absurd because they
thought so thoroughly in racial categories. But worse than the racism
of the Nazis was their authoritarianism, a trait they share with the
Soviets, the Anglo-American globalist elite then and now, DLC
Democrats, the Neocons, and today’s PC Left. In pretending the
opposite is true, these last pursue their insidious, invasive,
irrational program to dismantle traditional cultures and to slow bleed
human liberty.
On the libertarian side, Brad, famously
and laudably, recanted his original support for the 2003 Persian Gulf
War. Rather than an Ayn Rand or Milton Friedman libertarian, Brad
claimed to be a "Ray Bradbury" libertarian. With that, he may have
meant someone less bound to corporate power and less rigidly
I always looked forward to seeing Brad at
KHC, and especially to his humor. One time the great Paul Krasner,
whom we also lost this year, was our speaker. Among many other things,
Paul had been -- at least for a year -- Editor of Larry Flynt's
Hustler Magazine. Naturally, Paul let in all kinds of hilarious
radical political content. Introducing Paul's speech, Brad said, "You
know how some people say, 'Oh, I don’t look at the dirty pictures in
Playboy, I just read it for the articles'? Well, when Paul was Editor,
I read Hustler for the articles!"
Brad was not someone I laughed along
with politely, he was truly raucous. I couldn’t help but laugh.
I especially miss Brad when I think about
things I'd like to share with him but no longer can. Items he might
find interesting or insightful. Jokes he might get that others might
not. For example, for a long time I’ve been meaning to tell him about:
O’Neill’s Three Laws of Politics, which
Law 1. Nothing good ever happens.
If you think something good actually happened, read the fine print.
Law 2. Nothing decisive ever happens.
Good or bad. Combined with Law 1, we can expect things to continue
slowly getting worse.
Law 3. Never give a sucker an even break.
As the Communist, Bob Avakian, said (about Democrats, but it
goes equally for Republicans), political parties and their voters are
like Lucy and Charlie Brown with the football: Lucy keeps holding out
the football, Charlie Brown runs to kick it, and Lucy pulls it away at
the last second! And the sucker keeps coming back, again and again and
again, talking himself into it every time.
I think Brad would have approved of the
Three Laws, but now we’ll never know.
To wind down, like other matters in life,
Brad took religion seriously, but not too seriously. He had read the
Old and New Testaments cover-to-cover -- twice -- and knew Scripture
in depth. By birth, he was Episcopalian, which is not a strict
denomination, and Brad was impious even by those standards.
He had a
great story about that. Brad was in his 30s and had gone back to
college for an MA or something. Parsimony dictated that he move into a
dorm with several younger male students. At first, Brad felt out of place, but he
readily adapted to Bohemian collegiate mindlessness.
One Sunday
morning, after a wild night of partying, Brad woke up to a phone call
from William F. Buckley himself! At first, Brad thought it a prank,
but rapidly realized it was for real. You see, Brad had written a
letter to the editor of National Review, which Buckley was the well
known Editor of (much to the benefit of the National Security State).
Buckley was so impressed with the letter that he had called the author
personally to congratulate him on its publication. So, after a few
cheerful words, Buckley, the famous Catholic, ended the call saying he
had to shuffle his family off to morning Mass. But he paused a moment
to ask, "And what is your confession of faith, young man?" To which
Brad replied bashfully, "I'm a lapsed Episcopalian." To which Buckley
replied, "That is not going very far."
I'm a retired Catholic, a reverent
agnostic. But I did say a prayer for Brad's soul when I learned of his
passing, That very night he came to me in a dream, traditional venue
for the departed. In the dream Brad was youthful and full of energy,
as always. We were riding a bus together back from a Libertarian
convention and had transferred to another bus before I realized that I
had left my luggage behind!
We got off at the bus terminal and Brad
said, "You also lost your wallet," and handed it back to me, all bills
and cards intact! Then he pointed to the Lost and Found where I could
look for the bag!
It seemed Death had scarcely dimmed Brad’s essence.
His legacy remains to reveal how much treasured freedom we've lost, to
help us win it back, and to teach us to help ourselves, be it to
raise up a Yeoman's Paradise on Earth or to navigate spiritual waters
onto that Land Beyond Summer, that anarchist-libertarian Valhalla, out
there in Free Space!
Thank You.