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... is scheduled as the guest speaker for the 166th meeting of the Karl Hess Club, to convene on April 21, 2008.


    Brad Linaweaver on "Reminiscences of William F. Buckley, Jr"


KHC co-founder Brad Linaweaver enjoyed a long association with conservative godfather William F. Buckley, Jr. In the 1970s, when Brad began submitting letters to National Review, he didn't expect so many to be published, or that he'd have a continuing personal correspondence with WFB.

SEK3 may have thought the last libertarian left Young Americans for Freedom in 1969, but Brad didn't get the memo. Still in YAF during the 1970s, Brad wrote a cover feature on WFB for New Guard -- a humor piece that Buckley loved -- as well as pieces for Reason and Option.

During the 1980s, WFB invited Brad to attend two tapings of Firing Line, with guests Ernest van den Haag and Tibor Machan. WFB also endorsed Brad's Moon of Ice.

In the 1990s, WFB published Brad's article on George Orwell in National Review (11/18/91), while Brad persuaded WFB to submit tales to Free Space and Tombs. WFB also endorsed Clownface, and with Brad, shared a farewell tribute Vincent Price in Forry Ackerman's Famous Monsters.

Buckley appreciated Brad's review of Getting It Right for the LP News. (Mike Everling helped bring that about.) The two often discussed the link between libertarianism and conservatism, and WFB wrote a letter for Brad's Mondo Cult 2.

Brad will also pay tribute to Arthur C. Clarke.