Howard Hinman


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search engine by freefind scheduled as the guest speaker for the 225th meeting of the Karl Hess Club, to convene on February 18, 2013.



     Howard Hinman on "Discovering the Secrets of Energy: What the Powers That Were Do Not Want You to Know."


Howard's will discuss some exciting developments in the energy field, including "cold fusion" and some potentially even more revolutionary changes.




For the first round of questions, KHC attendees are asked to submit their questions in writing to the Master of Ceremonies, so that they may be presented to the speaker most effectively.


     About Howard Hinman:


Howard is secretary-treasurer and CFO of Resilient Freedom Foundation. He is a mortgage fraud professional, the presider of the International Property Title Alliance, and CFO, senior legal researcher, and director of communications for the California Legal Rights Fund.

He hosts the Karl Hess Community Technology Forum, an independent supper club in Orange County devoted primarily to the topic of "appropriate technology."

He is a graduate of California State University at Fullerton College of Business and Economics with a degree in Business Administration.