Geo. McCalip


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search engine by freefind scheduled as the guest speaker for the 229th meeting of the Karl Hess Club, to convene on May 20, 2013.



     Geo. McCalip on “The Traffic Tickets for Revenue Scam, an Update"


McCalip will discuss new developments in the war against the "traffic tickets for revenue scam" -- which may include some good news (pending a California Supreme Court announcement).

He will also report on two First Amendment cases, one in which the Dept of Justice and the IRS lost despite heavily favored odds. If you were here when Gwenn Wycoff and Frank Ozak spoke, you got a preview. McCalip will deliver additional details, from a different perspective.

The other case is still unfolding, and may result in a major scandal involving a local police dept.


     About Geo. McCalip:


Geo. McCalip is well known in libertarian circles, having lived at Anarcho Village, attended many supper clubs, and spoken at a few of them. For the last two and a half years he has headed California Legal Rights Fund, an educational 501(c)(3) dedicated to educating the people of California as to their legal rights.

He is the only person known to have ever gotten Samuel Edward Konkin III to wear a seat belt.

McCalip has a personal website, and another one offering traffic ticket advice. He is on Facebook.