Linda Dorfmont


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search engine by freefind scheduled as the guest speaker for the 252nd meeting of the Karl Hess Club, to convene on April 20, 2015.



     Linda Dorfmont on "Secrets of the IRS: Tax Time Issues"


Linda will discuss what the IRS does with your tax return's information, how to avoid an audit, how to prepare for an audit, and those pesky CP-2000 letters that say "We're confused ... and by the way you owe us more money."

Along the way you will get to meet some lovely people named John and Jane Doe and their kids.



     About Linda Dorfmont


Linda Dorfmont has been preparing other people's tax returns since 1973. She has worked for various tax services and CPA firms in the South Bay and maintained her own practice for many years.

She has taught tax planning for the College for Financial Planning, UCLA Extension, and the IRS VITA Program. She currently teaches the class "Minding the Business of Your Business" based on the IRS's class for small business owners.