Terry Brussel & Paul Gibbons


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...is scheduled as the guest speaker for the 249th meeting of the Karl Hess Club, to convene on January 19, 2015.



     Terry Brussel & Paul Gibbons on "Plural Marriage."


Terry and Paul will discuss plural marriage and other independent lifestyle living arrangements that have been inspired by the ideas of Robert Heinlein and Ayn Rand.

Portraying characters from The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress and Atlas Shrugged, Paul, Terry, Glen Olson and David Beal will explore monogamy, monopoly vs. polyamory, freedom and the free market, and how politics and lifestyles interact.

According to them: "Monogamy and monopoly have some things in common. We call it the 'unified field theory' of interpersonal relationships. Once we start realizing that voluntarism and respect are universal standards to be applied to all human (sentient) relationships, from global (or even intergalactic!) to the intimate, we will stop creating the thorny problems we currently face, such as jealousy as an accepted reality, wars which do not solve anything, getting taxed out of business, and victimless crimes filling our prisons.

"The introduction of arbitrary rules such as 'we need taxes to do good works' or 'you should be upset at your lover for being "unfaithful" to you' that contradict the libertarian principles of respect, non-aggression and your own conscience, creates conflict within you and your love relationships.

"Are we free or slaves? If you are a slave, what can you do to gain your freedom? Let's discover how to move from conflict to freedom to joy!"




     About Terry Brussel and Paul Gibbons:


Terry Brussel is a certified clinical hypnotherapist and relationship counselor. She can be contacted through her website, AceSuccess.com.

Paul Gibbons is a filmmaker and photojournalist who regularly covers libertarian events.

Together, with others, they manage Live the Dream, a shared living residence and resource center on polyamory.