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...is scheduled as the guest speaker for the 253rd meeting of the Karl Hess Club, to convene on May 18, 2015.



     Will Otey on "Liberland: The Newest Nation on Earth"


Liberland is the newest nation on the planet, having been established on Monday April 13, 2015, which is -- not coincidentally -- the anniversary of the birth of Thomas Jefferson, one of the heroes of the founders of Liberland.

This 3 square mile domain, established in a terrus nullius on the banks of the Danube between Croatia and Serbia, is presently uninhabited. It has no infrastructure save a decades-ago abandoned farmhouse and a dirt road which leads to a locked gate on the Croatian border.

Liberland's principal founder and interim president, Czech politician Vít Jedlička, has high hopes for this nation, based on the 250,000 applicants for citizenship that have flooded Liberland's website thus far. There is also a flag, a national anthem, the makings of a constitution, and a dedicated group of pioneers.

Liberland espouses a libertarian political philosophy, espousing the ideals of Edmund Burke, John Locke, Jefferson, Frederic Bastiat, Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, and Ron Paul among others. Hence our interest.

We will also try to provide a live Skype interview with someone on the ground in Europe, but that is not a certainty.




     About Will Otey:

Will Otey is an expert on micronations, having previously addressed the KHC in 2010 and 2011, regarding secession and new nations, respectively.