Bob Weber


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search engine by freefind scheduled as the guest speaker for the 282nd meeting of the Karl Hess Club, to convene on October 16, 2017.



     Bob Weber on "Two and a Half Cheers for Global Warming."


Bob Weber believes that benefits can be derived from higher planetary temperatures, including greater agriculture production in the Northern Hemisphere and the opening of Arctic trade routes like the Northwest Passage. Bob will support his theory with facts and figures.

Bob first presented his views on this topic at the South Bay Libertarians (Region 66) supper club. Now Bob returns with augmented material for version 2.0 of his talk. So even if you enjoyed his presentation in San Pedro, you'll want to attend our meeting to learn what Bob had added. As always, Bob will deliver an informative, entertaining and enlightening experience!


    About Bob Weber


Bob Weber is one of the Karl Hess Club's most devoted members, having had a perfect attendance most years since 1994 -- and is also one of our most frequent speakers.

Bob is a veteran of the freedom movement. In 1964, he cajoled his parents into taking him to Dodger Stadium for Barry Goldwater's campaign speech.

He registered to vote as a Libertarian in 1972 and cast a write-in vote for John Hospers.

He has run for political office many times, with a perfect record of never having been elected. He served as L.A. County Chair of the LP, was twice the state LP's Southern Vice-Chair, and has served as a member of the state LP's Judicial Committee.

He graduated from UCLA with a degree in chemistry, and spent his professional career in motion picture post production. He is a polymath, knowing many things about many things.

Bob is a recipient of the Samuel Edward Konkin III Memorial Chauntecleer, the KHC's award for Excellence in Agorism.